Steve's Super Something Coaster Brake Build
Steve has been a part of the Sklar brand from the get-go. Not only have we shared a space (Steve is one of the owners at Alter Cycles, our beloved neighbor) for the past 7 years, but Steve designed the logo that graces this bike. So when I didn’t have a home for this 60CM Super Something sample, it was obvious who it had to go to.
Steve decided to build it up as his new townie bike! An incredibly simple and clean coaster brake bike for cruising the streets and really cool trails we have all over Bozeman. Steve went with a crank and headset from White Industries, a suped up Shimano CB110 hub on some Stans flow rims, and a NOS Sklar Bullmoose bar.
One of the things I am most looking forward to with these production frames is seeing the variety of ways that people build them up and I think this build really exemplifies that. Sure it was designed mainly as a drop bar gravel bike, but it can be super fun in all sorts of configurations. My dream is for all these frames to live a lot of lives in all sorts of whacky setups and this is just one of the options on the table. Who knows, maybe some day it will get drop bars and gears too!