Cool new things happening at Sklar HQ
Hey Everyone!
The shop has been abuzz with activity and we wanted to take a minute to share some of the exciting projects we've been working on. Adam has been busy welding up prototypes...Sparks flying and machines humming nonstop. We just completed two final prototypes of our new production mountain bike model that we plan on releasing early next year and I'm so excited to get some trail rides on mine. Adam built his up with the new XO T-type transmission. We're using the new SRAM UDH system on these frames and so far we really like it.
We've also been working on a special project for our good friends over at Roly Poly Coffee Co. It's quite different than most things that have come out of the shop before and should be a really fun and functional ride. Taylor has started affectionately calling it "The Bean Hog" and we cant wait to share more details as it comes together. Look for us at the MADE Bike show in Portland if you're in that area next month.
Okay that's all for now, time to get back to work bringing these projects to life. Oh and don't forget we have more SuperSomething framesets coming early next month too, so keep an eye out for those.